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Peanut Coconut Laddoo For Pregnancy

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Looking for a nutritious and healthy snack during pregnancy? Try our Peanut Coconut Laddoo! Made with high-quality ingredients, this snack is perfect for pregnant women looking to maintain a healthy diet. Packed with fiber, protein, and essential nutrients, it's a great way to stay energized and boost your immunity. So, whether you're looking for a midday snack our Peanut Coconut Laddoo is the perfect choice for a healthy and satisfying snack. Try it today!

Why you should buy this?
  • Suitable for 4-8th months
  • Excellent source of Fiber and Protein
  • Immunity Booster
  • Made with Premium Ingredients
  • Home Made Special
  • No Added Preservatives
  • Healthy and Delicious
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Nourishment Tailored for Pregnancy

Although being pregnant is an amazing experience full of hope and enthusiasm, there are drawbacks as well. It is important for expecting mothers to maintain an adequate diet for their health as well as the growth of their growing child. That's where our Peanut Coconut Ladoo, a tasty and wholesome snack made especially to help you through the vital fourth to eighth months of pregnancy, comes in.

A Powerhouse of Fiber and Protein

Packed with a combination of healthful ingredients that have been carefully chosen to deliver critical nutrients to pregnant moms, our Peanut Coconut Laddoo is a nutritional powerhouse. Puffed rice, peanuts, coconut, almonds, and other organic ingredients combine to provide a tasty, high-fiber, high-protein snack. 

Immunity Boosting Benefits

Having a robust immune system is crucial for preventing infections and diseases in both you and your unborn child during pregnancy. Vitamin E and antioxidant-rich peanuts are among the components in our Peanut Coconut Ladoo that are believed to strengthen the immune system. By fortifying your body's defences, these nutrients help you remain well during your pregnancy.

Essential Nutrients for Fetal Development

Folate, sometimes referred to as folic acid, is an essential vitamin for expectant mothers since it can help avoid birth abnormalities and is essential for fetal growth. Puffed rice and almonds, two components of our Peanut Coconut Ladoo that are naturally high in folate, make sure you get the nutrients your baby needs to thrive and develop.

Digestive Health and Regulation

Digestion problems including indigestion, gas, and bloating can occasionally result during pregnancy. With ingredients like fennel seeds and black pepper, along with a high fiber content, our Peanut Coconut Ladoo is designed to help digestive health and control. These components support general gastrointestinal comfort, lessen bloating, and facilitate better digestion during pregnancy.


  • Peanuts (Moongfali): Peanuts are high in protein and include significant amino acids. These are needed for the growth of the baby's muscles and organs. It also promotes fetal development and helps avoid birth abnormalities.
  • Puffed rice (Kheel): Low in calories and readily digested, puffed rice gives pregnant women a rapid boost of energy. By consuming it women can prevent tiredness and promote general health throughout pregnancy.
  • Coconut (Gola): Healthy fats of coconuts are extremely important for the growth of a baby's brain and nervous system. It also reduces the dehydration. 
  • Almonds (Badam): Vitamin E, which functions as an antioxidant. With the consumption of Badam, cell damage can be prevented. 
  • Ghee (Clarified Butter): From ancient scripture to modern science, Ghee is described as a rich source of various benefits like energy and fat. 
  • Mishri (rock sugar)/jaggery (Gud): Iron consists of Gud or Mishri is another ingredient that helps avoid anaemia during pregnancy.
  • Fox nuts (Makhana): Due to their high fibre content and low-calorie content, fox nuts are a nutritious snack choice for expectant mothers.

Why Choose Nushka’s Peanut Laddoo 

  • Convenient Packaging and Pricing

We are aware that convenience is essential, particularly for working expecting women. Because of this, our Peanut Coconut Ladoo comes in two handy container sizes: 500 grams and 1 kilogram. Our ladoos, which cost 1200/- for one kilogram and 600/- for 500 grams, provide great value for the money, allowing you to take advantage of the health advantages of our snack without going over budget.

  • Natural Ingredients 

The team Nushka prepare all its products with tons of natural ingredients that are pure and directly come from our trustable vendors. We pick our ingredients as per the Ayurveda-prescribed method. 

Consumption Instruction

  • Shelf Life and Storage

Our 80-day shelf life ensures that our Peanut Coconut Ladoo remains tasty and fresh for a long time, so you can stock up and enjoy them whenever it's convenient for you. Just keep the ladoos away from dampness and bright sunlight in a cool, dry spot to maintain their flavour and freshness.

  • How to Consume 

Despite being a tasty and healthy snack, our Peanut Coconut Laddu should only be eaten in moderation as part of a balanced diet. We advise indulging in one ladoo every day or as a special treat on occasion when desires arise. As always, pay attention to your body and see your doctor if you have any special dietary needs or limitations while expecting.

Summing -up 

In conclusion, our Peanut Coconut Ladoo is more than just a tasty snack – it's a nourishing companion for expectant mothers, providing essential nutrients, sustained energy, and immune-boosting benefits during the crucial 4th to 8th months of pregnancy. So indulge in the goodness of our ladoos and savour every moment of this special journey with your growing baby.

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No Added Sugar
Free of cane sugar, high fructose corn syrup and beet sugar.
High Fiber
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