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How to Take Care of a Newborn Baby

  • 31, May 2023

It's crucial to look after yourself while looking after a newborn. This time can be busy and a little overwhelming, so think about getting assistance.

Perhaps your friends and family can help. Their personal experiences may be useful even if you don't agree with them on everything.

Anyone who comes in contact with your baby should have all necessary vaccinations, and they should only assist if they feel well. Don't feel bad about restricting visitors, though, if you don't feel like hosting or if you have other worries.

You've probably been daydreaming about your newborn child for months, picturing how they'll look, sound, and even feel. No matter how much planning you've done, however, you'll probably appreciate some advice on how to care for a newborn, especially if it's your first child.

10 Helpful Tips for Taking Care of a Newborn Baby:

When it's your first time, taking care of a newborn, it can be challenging. So, here are ten suggestions to help you care for a newborn child:

  1. Feeding

It's crucial to give the baby his or her meals on time. A newborn needs to be fed every two to three hours, which means you must nurse her eight to twelve times in 24 hours. During the first six months of life, a baby should only be fed breast milk.

Essential nutrients and antibodies found in breast milk are necessary for a baby's survival and development. Give the baby at least 10 minutes of nursing. Until your baby firmly latches on and begins sucking, keep the breast close to her lips. If the baby has properly latched on, the mother won't feel any pain in her nipples.

A mother’s breasts will feel less full once the baby has finished feeding. This is a sign that the infant is receiving enough milk. If breast milk is not an option, give the baby a formula that has been approved by your doctor. Each feeding should contain 60 to 90 ml of formula for the infant.

  1. Sleeping Basics

Understanding the infant's sleeping schedule is difficult. The baby sleeps more than 16 hours per day despite needing you at all times. Your baby's sleep cycles and patterns are developing, just like adults. But remember to always put infants to sleep on their backs to lower the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

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  1. Burping

The infant needs to be burped after being fed. Air that babies swallow during feedings causes gas and colic in their stomachs. This extra air is expelled during burping, which helps digestion and avoids spit-ups and stomach pain.

Hold the infant firmly in one hand against your chest. He or she should have her chin on your shoulder. If he/she doesn't burp right away, pat or gently stroke her back with your other hand.

  1. Mother’s milk

Breastfeeding is crucial because it helps the baby fight off illnesses like pneumonia, diarrhea, and infections. A newborn must breastfeed within 30 minutes of birth.

A newborn baby should always be breastfed every three hours. For the initial 6 months, the baby must be only on the mother’s milk. Mothers shouldn't practice any age-old customs like giving their infants water, honey, or gripe water.

  1. Talk To Baby

This may appear weird. However, parents should communicate with their children. It is crucial for their newborn's brain development because sound and words excite it.

  1. Diaper Changing Tips

Check the newborn baby's pants and diapers regularly. A healthy child urinates regularly. Staying in soiled diapers for an extended period raises the child's risk of infection and allergies. Diaper rashes on infant skin are also common.

  1. Massaging

A great way to strengthen your relationship with your child is through massage. Additionally, it aids in digestion and blood circulation improvement while lulling the infant to sleep.

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Apply a small amount of lotion or baby oil to your hands. Following that, give her body a gentle, rhythmic massage. Massage the baby's body while maintaining eye contact and speaking to her. Before the infant takes a bath is a good time to massage her.

  1. How to Hold Your Newborn

It's crucial to make sure you're holding your infant while supporting her head and neck with one hand. This is because her neck muscles are still too weak to independently support the head.

The spine is still growing and becoming more powerful. Only after the neck has been alive for three months will it be able to support the head on its own. Therefore, when taking care of a newborn baby, be sure to support the head and neck of the infant.

  1. Bathing your baby

Bathe your child in a warm, open space where there is room to spread out all the bathing necessities. Give your infant a sponge bath up until the time when the umbilical cord falls off and is fully healed. Never leave your infant unattended in a sink or bathtub.

  1. Washing hands

You must always wash your hands before holding your baby, regardless of the situation. Due to babies' extremely low levels of immunity and the high risk of infection.

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