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Breastfeeding and Sleep: Strategies for Co-Sleeping Moms

  • 18, Oct 2023

Although being a new mother is a wonderful journey full of happiness and hugs, there are plenty of restless nights involved. You and your child are not the only ones who have made the decision to share a bed! In addition to strengthening relationships, co-sleeping may facilitate overnight feedings. We'll look at a few easy but efficient methods in this blog to assist you and your child in getting the sleep you both need. These steps ensure you are receiving post-pregnancy care in the best manner. 

Establish a Secure Sleeping Space

Establish a Secure Sleeping Space

Safety comes foremost at all times. Make sure there are no possible threats around your bed. Take away cushions, loose bedding, and plush animals that might endanger your infant. Get a firm mattress and think about using a co-sleeping attachment, which gives your infant a safe place to sleep and convenient access for nursing.

Read also: Top 10 Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy for a Healthy Baby

Enhance the latch

Enhance the latch

For nursing to be effective, particularly at night, a strong latch is essential. Make sure your infant's mouth is open wide, covering more of the areola than simply the nipple. This will guarantee that your baby receives the maximum amount of nutrition at each feeding and help avoid pain.

Develop Your Side-Lying Positioning

Develop Your Side-Lying Positioning

For mothers who co-sleep, the side-lying posture is quite beneficial. It may make breastfeeding much more pleasant at night since it enables you to do so while lying down. Just lay on your side with your infant facing you and their mouth level with yours. To enhance your comfort, place cushions under your knees and back.

Create a Nighttime Schedule

Create a Nighttime Schedule

Like adults, newborns are best when they have routines. Your infant will learn to wind down with a soothing bedtime ritual. This may include a warm bath, a little massage, and some private time spent together before breastfeeding.

Use noise-cancellation devices

Use noise-cancellation devices 

Moms who share a bed might really benefit from white noise generators or applications. They assist in blocking out any unexpected sounds that might annoy your infant and help you both sleep better.

When the baby naps, take a nap

When the baby naps, take a nap

Though it's an ancient proverb, it's still valid. When your child naps throughout the day, use that time to get some much-needed rest for yourself. For overnight feedings, this may help you feel more rested and invigorated.

Remain at ease

Remain at ease

For both you and your child, comfort is paramount. During feedings, support your arms with a breastfeeding cushion and invest in a suitable nursing bra. Select pajamas with easy access if you co-sleep so you won't have to fight to get dressed during overnight feedings.

Adopt Safe Sleeping Practices

Adopt Safe Sleeping Practices

Co-sleeping does not entail disobeying any safety recommendations for sleep. Steer clear of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco since they might cause impairments in your awareness and raise your chance of mishaps. Make sure there are no spaces where your baby may be stuck and keep blankets and pillows away from their face.

Converse with Your Spouse

Converse with Your Spouse

Being transparent with your spouse is essential if you co-sleep. Talk about how you two can help each other out with the parenting responsibilities at night. If you require a longer period of rest, your spouse may help with calming, changing diapers, or even taking over for a feeding session.

Believe in Your Feelings

Believe in Your Feelings

Since each infant is unique, what suits one may not suit another. Follow your gut and modify these tactics to fit your particular circumstance. Remind yourself that you're doing a fantastic job!

A good diet is quite necessary

A good diet is quite necessary 

Apart from applying all these methods a good diet is quite essential as nutrition-rich food helps you in getting comfortable sleep by lowering stress levels. To make sure that you get good sleep and proper rest, make your post-pregnancy diet plan healthy. Consume ragi laddu, ajwain ladoo, sonth ladoo after dinner would help you. You can also add gond ke laddu and roasted dry fruits that straighten you and your body. 

To get high-quality products, you can browse through Nushka’s wide collection of Ayurveda-based products. These products are made of pure natural elements and ancient Ayurveda methods. 


One of the most lovely ways to strengthen the connection between you and your child is to co-sleep. You and your child may have more pleasant and peaceful evening nursing sessions if you adhere to these easy tips. You're not alone on this path, so keep in mind that with a little perseverance and experience, you can discover a schedule that suits your family the best. Lovely dreams!

Read also: Revitalize and Reenergize: Women's Health Nutrition for Every Life Stage


♦ How many hours should a breastfeeding mom sleep?

Like any other adult, a nursing mother should strive for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. She has to get adequate sleep in order to maintain her health and have the energy necessary to care for her child. She may benefit from short naps throughout the day to feel more rested.

♦ What is the co-sleep position for breastfeeding moms?

Lying on their side with their infant facing them is the recommended co-sleep position for nursing mothers. Moreover, the infant is on their side, facing the mother's breast. This facilitates the baby's ability to latch on and nurse through the night without the need for mum to get up. When done properly, it's safe.

♦ How can I sleep 8 hours while breastfeeding?

Here are a few of tips that ensure post-pregnancy care and rest:

  • Nap when your baby naps during the day.
  • Share nighttime feedings with a partner.
  • Use a bedside bassinet for easy access.
  • Practice safe co-sleeping if approved.
  • Keep your sleep environment calm and comfortable.
  • Ask for help from family or friends when needed.